Plant Locations in Ojos y Manos

Section - 9 (aka Q1-2)

Sunset Classroom

Section - 9 (behind the Sunset Classroom)
Sunflower, Maximilian - Helianthus maximiliani
Sage, Azure - Salvia azurea
Sumac, 'Autumn Amber' (Creeping Sumac) - Rhus trilobata 'Autumn Amber'
Groundsel, Manyheaded (Broom) - Senecio spartioides
Four-O'-Clock, Desert - Mirabilis multiflora
New Mexico Privet - Forestiera neomexicana
Primrose, Pale Evening - Oenathera pallida
Rabbitbush (Chamisa) - Ericameria nauseosa (syn. Chrysothamnus nauseosus)
Apache Plume - Fallugia paradoxa
Oak, Gambel - Quercus gambelii
Maple, Bigtooth 'Rocky Mountain Glow' - Acer saccharum subsp. grandidentatum 'Schmidt'

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